Today we started another wonderful week with MedEx. We had some great lectures this morning. The one that stood out the most was about furthering your education. Growing up, higher education was always expected. Now, the expectations are to continue education. Lifelong learning. The presentation really made it seem like Prisma was there for lifelong learners and would support that learning. I am hoping to continue my education after college and move to get my NP. After the presentation, I believe that I will be able to reach this goal if I end up working for Prisma. They offer so much support to their staff to help them reach their educational goals. It was nice to know that the company would help relieve some of the burdens of higher education. Specifically the cost and loans. It is something that has stuck out in the back of my mind as the only thing that might hinder me from reaching my goals.
Later on, we had a presentation from a CRNA and his students. We got to learn about the role of a CRNA both in the OR and on the floor. We got to work with the students to intubate a mannequin and provide airway support. It was a lot of fun. I asked a lot of questions about the program as well as the job. It is a job that I have considered but this was a good opportunity to see if it was a field of interest. In truth, it is an amazing career, but it is not one that I can see myself pursuing in the future. While it is very hands on and integral, there is little patient interaction which is what I seek. It seems very consistent and laid out. I feel like it is something that would become repetitive for me. I want a job where I get to see new and different things every day. CRNA's get to see plenty, but they don't get to do plenty. They get to watch the surgeries, but not participate. They get to see the trauma, but all they do is intubate. The lecture was great, but I think it also helped me check this career path off my list. it is an amazing and insightful career, but it is just not for me. There are so many other people that would be way more satisfied in this job than I would. And that's okay. That's why I came to MedEx. To figure things out and find new ideas and experiences.