Today we were back in the classroom with many exciting lectures. We started the day off with our clinical debrief. I must admit that it was kind of hard for me. Hearing the others talk about their experiences brought my own emotions to a head. I hadn't processed what I saw yesterday. It was the hardest thing I've seen yet in healthcare. To see a friend. It brought the human aspect back into things. These patients have friends. They have families. They have people that look up to them. They have made an impact on someone else. I understand the importance of healthcare workers separating themselves from their patients, but there is a line to draw. You must still understand that there are lives in your hands. That you cannot forget that anyone could be in that room. Your patients are more than just that, they are a life. A human being. They are part of the beauty of the world.
Healthcare is more than just a service. It is a baseline. It is the essence of humanity. From the beginning of your life to the end, it is what brings safety to the world. When a child is born, it is healthcare workers that ensure its stable health. As they grow, nurses and doctors surround them at each stage to help. When they are sick, they are given medicine. When issues arise, healthcare workers are there to diagnose, treat, and support the child. And it goes throughout the person's life. After adolescence, there are always needs for healthcare providers in one's life. It is the only thing that connects us all. We get sick, we fall down, we recover, we get back up. But we have help. Healthcare providers are here to help us through our lives. They are there for the good and the bad. They are there for the bad day. They are there when you are feeling down. They are there for your diagnosis. They are there for your children. They are there for your spouse. They are there for the start of a family. They are there for hardships. When you fall down, healthcare providers help you get back up.
My clinicals this week were hard, but they made me want to push to help everyone get back up. They have a family to go home to. They have children. They have spouses. They have hopes and dreams. They are just like me. And even though I have to have a separation between me and my patients, I cannot let myself completely forget who they are. The separation is there to keep me okay, but I cannot let that separation keep me from treating these patients like human beings. Like friends. Like family. I saw so many healthcare providers completely close themselves off to their patients. They had no emotions towards their diagnoses or care. And unfortunately, I saw the effects that can have on the patients. When your doctor provides no sympathy for your diagnoses, you can often loose trust. I want to build trust, There are lines to be drawn, but my line isn't perfect. My line isn't whole. My line has twists and turns. And I will never let my patients feel too far beyond that line. They may not be my family. They may not be my friends. But they are human. And I am here to help.